.. _server: Server ====== grpcrunserver ------------- Run a grpc server:: $ python manage.py grpcrunserver Run a grpc development server, this tells Django to use the auto-reloader and run checks:: $ python manage.py grpcrunserver --dev Run the server with a certain address:: $ python manage.py grpcrunserver --max-workers 5 Configuration ------------- Root handlers hook ``````````````````` We need a hanlders hook function to add all servicers to the server, for example:: def grpc_handlers(server): demo_pb2_grpc.add_UserControllerServicer_to_server(UserService.as_servicer(), server) You can set the root handlers hook using the ``ROOT_HANDLERS_HOOK`` setting key, for example set the following in your ``settings.py`` file:: GRPC_FRAMEWORK = { ... 'ROOT_HANDLERS_HOOK': 'path.to.your.curtom_grpc_handlers', } The default setting is ``'{settings.ROOT_URLCONF}.grpc_handlers'``. Setting the server interceptors ``````````````````````````````` If you need to add server interceptors, you can do so by setting the ``SERVER_INTERCEPTORS`` setting. For example, have something like this in your ``settings.py`` file:: GRPC_FRAMEWORK = { ... 'SERVER_INTERCEPTORS': [ 'path.to.DoSomethingInterceptor', 'path.to.DoAnotherThingInterceptor', ] }